Effect of Application of Phosphorus Combined with Nitrogen Fertilizer on Photosynthetic Characteristics after Anthesis and Yield in Jimai 22 氮磷配施对济麦22花后光合特性及产量的影响
Effect of Application of Phosphorus Combined with Nitrogen Fertilizer on Senescence Characteristics and Yield after Anthesis in Super-high-yielding Wheat 氮磷配施对超高产小麦花后衰老特性及产量的影响
To realize operation of combined network between nitrogen system and air system, a scheme of adding gas crossover lines is employed. 为实现供氮和供风系统的联网运行,采用了增设气体跨线的方案。
Studies on Application of Ozone Sterilization Combined with Liquid Nitrogen Freezing on Abalone Processing 臭氧杀菌结合液氮深冷冻结技术在鲍鱼加工中的应用研究
Speciation Characteristics of Different Combined Nitrogen in the Spring Sediments of Chaohu Lake by Sequential Extraction Methods 连续分级提取法研究春季巢湖沉积物中不同结合态氮的赋存特征
Nitrate-N Leaching in 23-Year Winter Wheat Field Combined with Application of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Study on the Effects of Compound Fertilizer on Nitrate Leaching and Fertilizer Efficiency 小麦氮磷肥长期配施对土壤硝态氮淋溶的影响施用复混肥对硝态氮淋溶及肥效影响研究
Characteristics of pulmonary injury induced by blast wave combined with nitrogen tetroxide in rabbits and its molecular mechanism 冲击波复合四氧化二氮染毒致大鼠肺损伤的特点及可能机制研究
Potassium application combined with nitrogen improved also the content of available P and K in soil substantially, and this was beneficial to maintaining or improving soil fertility. 钾氮配施大幅度提高了土壤有效P、K含量,有利于保持和提高土壤肥力。
Effect of Urea Combined with Compound Nitrogen Fertilizer Synergists on Nitrogen Utilization of Rice 尿素与复合氮肥增效剂配施对水稻氮素利用的影响
This inhibiting effect was due chiefly to the concentration of combined nitrogen. 化合态氮的抑制作用与浓度密切相关。
Study on combined effects of nitrogen and planting density in rice water-saving irrigation in Southern China seasonal drought hilly region 南方丘陵典型季节性干旱区水稻节水灌溉的密肥互作效应研究
Combined nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium effects on nodulation and nitrogen-fixation of Desmodium heterocarpum 氮、磷、钾对异果山绿豆结瘤固氮特性的影响
Combined application of nitrogen with silicon could increase soil available nitrogen and silicon contents, decrease soil available potassium content, but had no significant effects on soil available phosphorus, organic matter, pH value and total nitrogen. 氮硅配施提高了土壤速效氮含量和有效硅含量、降低了土壤速效钾含量,而对速效磷、pH、有机质及全氮无明显影响。
Effect of Combined Application of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Aloe under Sea Water Irrigation 海水灌溉库拉索芦荟氮磷配施效应研究
In this paper principle of NH 3/ PH/ T combined of ammonia& nitrogen in the seawater is presented in detail. 本文详细介绍了采用NH3/PH/T复合电极测量海水中氨氮的原理。
Effects of grain yield and quality of strong gluten wheat and interaction in combined application of nitrogen and potassium 氮、钾配施对强筋小麦产量和品质的影响及其交互作用的研究
Characteristics of combined inorganic nitrogen in Dongshan Bay 东山湾海水中化合态无机氮的分布特征
The effect of combined application of nitrogen, phosphorus and chlorine on rice and wheat 氮磷氯配比对稻麦效应的研究
This technology combined with silicon nitride-high nitrogen hydrogen baking will make high reliability and high precision linear integrated circuits available. 若与氮化硅-高温氮氢烘焙工艺相结合,将为高可靠、高精度线性集成电路提供工艺基础。
In the fertilizations with only nitrogen fertilizers and combined nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers the difference between the two types of wheat appeared lessened but cold type of wheat was still higher than warm type of wheat in all the physiological parameters. 在施用氮肥(单施氮肥和氮磷配施)条件下,两类小麦之间的差异有所减小,但冷型小麦仍然高于暖型小麦。
Combined with nitrogen fertilizer, which increased organic matter content in soil. 保水剂与N肥结合增加了土壤有机质的含量;
Effects of different nitrogen applied level on nitrogen RESPONSE OF MAIZE TO REDUCED UREA APPLICATION COMBINED WITH COMPOUND NITROGEN FERTILIZER SYNERGISTS 玉米对尿素减量与复合氮肥增效剂配施的响应
Characteristics of Combined Removal of Nitrogen by Expanding Flow Aerobic Filter 扩展流好氧滤池的复合脱氮特性
Supported Cu and ZnO clusters on Formvar and Au foil are produced by using magnetron sputtering combined with liquid nitrogen condensation technique. 利用磁控溅射与液氮冷凝相结合的方法,分别在方华膜及金膜上制备了Cu、ZnO等团族样品;
Combined with studies on nitrogen turnover in soil in recent years, comprehensive discussion is conducted in this paper about nitrogen priming effect and its direct influencing factors in agricultural practices. 结合近年来利用同位素示踪技术进行的氮素研究,比较系统地探讨了土壤氮素的激发效应及其影响因子。
Combined fertilization of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium affected the plant chemical characteristics, reduced the transpiration, and enhanced water use efficiency. 氮、磷、钾配比施肥也影响了植株的生物学性状,降低了牧草的蒸腾作用,提高了水分利用率。
Compared with the treatment of without fertilizer application or only organic fertilizer application, the treatments of combined application improved wheat nitrogen uptake and utilization. 与不施肥处理或单施有机肥处理比较来看,配施处理有利于小麦对氮养分的吸收利用。
Combined application of nitrogen fertilizer phosphate fertilizer in the circumstances, the Enforcement manure or no-tillage measures taken to improve the quality of handling more favorable traits. 在氮肥磷肥配施的情况下,加施厩肥或采取免耕措施的处理对改善品质性状更为有利。